Coaching and training internationals as missional community planters.

18 - Month Incubator
The Kwiverr incubator is a research-based, biblically-informed, hospitality-fostered space, offering life-on-life coaching and four-part training and development in spiritual formation, leadership formation, communal formation and missional formation for international students and alumni desirous of catalyzing disciple-making and church-planting movements and planting missional communities among mainly unreached people groups.
It is an 18-month incubator for 18 emerging missional community planters among the last and least reached, unreached and unengaged people groups in the world. The incubation is mainly online with a maximum of three in-person sessions at the beginning, mid-way and towards the end of the period.
While incubator cohorts are generally a global mix, special incubators are launched as well for specific geographic, demographic, field, issue and network considerations.