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About Us

Our Story

Kwiverr was born out of a desperation to see multitudes of movements of empowered internationals impacting the world through flourishing missional communities among unreached people groups. The power of that promise was equal to the pain of ‘post-harvest losses’ of internationals who had begun the transformation process in their host countries but lost it in no time, especially upon returning to their original contexts (home countries). The observation that much of international student ministry (ISM) in particular was settling into an ‘ISM Industrial Complex’ was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

The stage was set for the emergence of Kwiverr–a nourishing missional community of catalysts, coaches, connectors, consultants and creatives (5Cs) forging innovative research-based paradigms and praxes into exponentially multiplying flourishing missional leaders and communities, including church plants, among unreached people groups towards ‘finishing the finishables.’ 

It is a community of 5Cs spawning disciple-making movements (DMM) and church-planting movements (CPM) to, with, through and beyond internationals. Kwivver sits at the intersection of international education and migration, leadership development and faith formation, missional multiplication and the good society.


To drive deep reflection and radical research into paradigms and praxes, and in spaces, that catalyze ministries into movements to leave no people or place unreached.

In other words, catalyzing movements of internationals in a research-informed manner, as reflective practitioners.


1. Missio Dei 

2. Internationals 

3. Finishing the finishables

4. Missional leadership

5. Missional communities

6. Movements 

7. Innovation

To see ministries to internationals locally and globally become disciple-making-leader-forming-church-planting-marketplace- impacting movements to close the Great Commission within our lifetime.



God is the archer; not us.


Places and spaces | Nourishing environments for the flourishing of both sharpeners and sharpened shafts. The general quiver and all its incubators, labs and accelerators represent these sheats.


The 5 C’s | Catalysts, Connectors, Coaches, Consultants, Creatives

Sharpened shafts

Arrows | Internationals | People on the move to unreached people groups.

© 2024 by Kwiverr